Friday, September 7, 2007


For a while now, I've wondered what's so cool about a blog. I've looked around at friends, classmates, and even teachers, surprised that they all seem to have a blog. It's a bit strange, truthfully. All these people writing about their interests or thoughts. But, when it comes down to it, who do you think is going to read your blog? Probably a person here or there. But when it comes down to it, it's more for yourself than it is for the others reading out there. It's writing for writings sake.

That's kind of what I came to realize about blogs recently. And all of a sudden, I find myself behind the times. I write all the time for my school. I write short stories at night and essays during the day. I don't get to write for myself all that much and that's the purpose of this. It's for me first, you (whoever you may be) second.

So, that leaves the question, what will I blog about. Movies, for one thing. Short stories. Random commentary. That sort of thing. It might not be specific, right now. But, it is only the beginning. I'm giving myself the liberty to change it up (if that's OK with you). And that's exactly what it will do. On a fairly consistent basis (OK; maybe not always consistent...), this blog will just be me, writing for writings sake. Which, in my opinion, should be pretty damn easy.

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